The main purpose of the GSA Toolkit is to find information on HQ campus and its 3 buildings. Even so, the campus information isn't prioritized on the homepage and is also difficult to find through the navigation. Once found, the building pages are hard to digest and extremely text heavy.
Pages are filled with overwhelming amount of text.

HQ campus info hard to find on homepage or navigation.
I asked GSAs what they tend to need the toolkit most for, what their current frustrations were, and their current process was to navigate the site and answer employee's questions.

Through interviews it became clear that the site required too much digging. The most commonly looked for information didn't have enough visibility, navigation was difficult, and there needed to be a more streamlined user-flow.

I worked on pages for each stage of the user flow and thought about how I could best reduce clicks and prioritize the information that GSA's use most.

Prioritizing HQ campus information.
GSA's main frustration with the original site was the difficulty in navigating and digesting building page information. My focus early on was to make each building's info available in one click and have the info be easy to read.
Emphasizing & Organizing SF Campus Links on Home Page
HQ campus info was brought to the top of the home page & organized by building, making it easy for GSA's to quickly access what they need.
Designing Tower Page to be More Digestible
Information about Salesforce Tower is now broken into labeled sections rather than a long list.
Consolidating & Categorizing GSA Resources
Relevant icons were added in place of previous Salesforce mascots and links were consolidated and categorized.
Categorizing HQ campus pages further.
After having 8 GSA's user tested the site, the feedback received stated that while navigation and visual clarity improved, it would be easier to digest if each building's pages were further broken down.

The GSA Toolkit increased office productivity.
100% of guest service ambassadors reported the GSA toolkit to be greatly more user-friendly and able to accomplish daily tasks more efficiently.
"I've been able to answer employee's questions quickly and easily, even as a new hire.” - Guest Service Ambassador